Government Leasing, LLC can increase your equipment sales when you offer our Federal and Municipal Financing program in sales proposals to your government accounts! We are specialists in arranging financing, and we provide an easy way for you to sell to Government Agencies that do not have the available funds to pay for your equipment.
School districts, fire departments, police departments, city offices, water and sewer departments, courts, county offices, state agencies and Tribal entities also qualify. Government Leasing, LLC also provides financing for both Lease to Own and Lease with Option to Own programs. We have GSA contracts specific to financing property, such as computers, office equipment, vehicles, laboratory and environmental analysis equipment, for example.
Property that is frequently leased consists of items that are essential to the operation of the Federal, State or Local Government Agency. These types of property include: police vehicles, heavy equipment (such as sweepers and sewer cleaners), fire engines, computers, telephone systems, and office machines. We can even finance software transactions.
If your government customer does not currently have available funds for the acquisition of equipment, we can set up a lease program to meet their needs. Our competitive low rates will assist you in closing a sale that otherwise would not close until funds became available!
The process of establishing a lease program is fast and simple! Call Government Leasing, LLC at (800) 822-8070 and specify the equipment, lessee, terms, and equipment cost. We will provide a rate quote and, if accepted, Government Leasing, LLC will send documents within 24 hours. We will follow up on documentation and, if required, issue a purchase order to the vendor dependent upon the lessee's acceptance of the property. We make it easy for you to do business, and win more deals!